Beja: Firefighters will have Permanent Intervention Team (EIP) with 5 operational.

The Municipality of Beja and the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) agreed protocol for signature, a time and place to be designated by the Secretary of State for Civil Protection.

According to the local authority, the signing of the document will allow Fire Beja Volunteers (BVB) constitute a constant intervention team (EIP) formed by 5 elements, taking 1 them the task of coordinator.

The new EIP, which will be incorporated and placed under guardianship of AHBVB, will first of Beja County may only be absent the same service with the permission of Mayor of Beja. This future team will thus enhance the relief capacity of BVB in the County area.

The protocol is valid for 3 years and team costs will be borne in 50% and the CM Beja 50% by ANPC implying a financial commitment of around € 33,000.00 / year by the CM Beja, in other words, about € 100,000.00 over the life of the protocol signing.

Heard by Lidador News, Pedro Barahona, commander two BVB, reported that “the Fire Department will notify the local authority acceptance, since it is an asset”, noting that since 2003, “there is a Permanent Group, also 5 operational, fully supported by the municipality”, concluded.

Pedro Barahona, “We need a refgime complementarity, to have a response capability 24 hours per day”, justified.

It is recalled that the Municipality of Beja transfers of regular annual support € 100,000.00 for the Volunteer Fire Department and in Beja 2018 supported the acquisition of 2 new corporate vehicles, and which cost € 298.000,00 the Humanitarian Association of our firefighters, with € 55,000.00. For the president of the municipality “it is important to invest properly where more is needed. Why, as recently heard, “who saves a life, save mankind”, said.

Teixeira Correia


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