Beja: Chamber denies moving the helicopter to the aerodrome Évora.

The relocation of the INEM helicopter Aera Base 11, in Beja, for aerodrome Evora continues to generate challenge. The Municipal Aeróromo Beja can be future solution to present to the INEM.

Heli INEM_800x800The Beja House, led by João Rocha, challenged in a statement the relocation of the emergency helicopter was stationed at the Air Base 11 (BA11), Beja for aerodrome Évora. The City Council regrets that the INEM has not contacted local authorities, namely, authority and firefighters, to carry this out, that vetificou last day 1 October.

Em comunicado a Câmara de Beja justifica que a explicação dada pelo INEM aos órgãos de comunicação social, “relates to questions raised by the Air Base 11 and that made it difficult to stay helicopter, with the INEM to solve the issue in a short time, albeit on a temporary basis”.

The Town Council maintains that, from 2014 what “was an ongoing process of reorganization of the aircraft and that this temporary situation will become definitive as soon as the Cabinet to approve a study that indicates Évora as the best location for this feature”.

Lembrando o papel decisivo que as entidades locais tiveram para “the location of this helicopter in Beja Airbase, today would, certainly, some bargaining power to, in conjunction with the Air Base who maintain excellent relations, find a solution to the permanence of this important resource in the County and the region”, manifestando o Município “full readiness to try even reverse this”, so the INEM is available for a discussion with local authorities prior to this decision, Now temporary, become irreversible.

Also the direction of Beja Fire came the public express their “discontent”, face the withdrawal of Beja aircraft, since the decision to put the helicopter in Beja “They were heard and ignored this time”, remembering that the Municipal Beja Airport, deveri be “a solution” taking into account”, concluded.

The second was found Lidador News in the meeting between the various entities and INEM, when placing the helicopter in low-Alentejo town, They were under discussion, como locais de instalação da aeronave: Or Municipal Aerodrome of Beja, Beja airport and BA11. Along the process of knowledgeable source at the time, “the most economical solution” It would be the Municipal Beja Airport, that would have to be subject to váreias remodeling.

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