Beja: City Council changes Sto Market. Amaro for the Municipal Market.
In a Notice published today in your page, the Municipality of Beja announces the suspension of Santo Amaro Market, transferring operators to the Municipal Market.
Following the measures already adopted in the fight the new coronavirus (COVID-19}, and after publication of Decree-Law No. 2-A / 2020 20-03-2020, Implements the state of emergency declaration made by the Decree of the President of the Republic no 14- A/2020, of 18 March, DETERMINE the suspension with immediate effect the Market St.. Amaro, with the transfer of operators to the Municipal market (NOTICE suspension of the municipal market), will continue to operate, during normal business hours, with the constraints resulting from legislation applied to commercial spaces for sale of food, to control and limit entries.
It is recalled that after a few publications on social networks, about Santo Amaro Markets held on Saturday 21/03/2020, on your facebook page, Paul Arsenio, President of Beja House, He made the following clarifications:
1. The Santo Amaro market was perfectly legal and legitimate because the n.2 Decree-A / 2020, of 20/03, only entered into force on 22/03;
2. If transportassemos the market for the next day, that the Decree was already in place, Market would remain cool this because in Annex II of the Decree referred to, It is mentioned that can be held “markets, in the case of sale of food”, It does not prohibit them to be outdoors. This is the case of the Santo Amaro;
3. Leaving aside the question of “mere legality”, obviously CM Beja can not guarantee fully the “social distancing” recommended by the DGS at all times, in all stalls;
4. But we know that for most of the time, and with the vast majority of stalls, that “detachment” He was respected by customers;
5. The PSP went 2 times precisely market to impose this “detachment” where there not being respected and did very well;
6. We also know that many of the players in this very rainy morning in Santo Amaro gave their phone numbers to regular customers so that from next week's leave to go temporarily and start to deliver the goods in the house of customers during this period that is coming;
7. The general guidelines are clear: the food distribution chain is the one which in any case must be broken;
8. The Santo Amaro consists of small traders and local producers, a land where cases of infection are non-existent until the moment, some of which have there their only source of income in addition to having excellent products;
9. CM Beja considers, if I was always respected “social distance” recommended, or Mercado de Santo Amaro, up to be outdoors and not having baskets, or carts, is substantially less dangerous for contamination contraction in that the surface enclosed space, although with the number of clients controlled inside;
10. During the week will start the CM Beja and PSP, together, will analyze whether the Santo Amaro market or should not continue in the existing framework, regardless of the legality attending the making of it because it is the least interested;
11. If there is a distribution system to a substantial part of household producers, we are available to make the disclosure of contacts in the media of CM Beja so that customers continue to receive fresh produce and Beja Area, in their homes;
12. The CM does Beja “stubbornness”, no “iron arm” with nobody, not regularly, much less at this time. We are not in time for this.
But we are not influenced by the opinions múltilpas What about all this time without parallel in the life of any of us;
For all that we point we have no doubt that we operate within the law and we did well to allow the market because it created conditions for future home deliveries.
We have many opinions. And they are legitimate. But who decides, decides after seriously evaluate the pros and cons of each situation. It's what we do Beja CM, knowing beforehand that in many situations, many will not agree with our decisions.
Note also that in the country there are now 3 stages on movement of persons:
✅ those who are subject to compulsory confinement;
✅ those who are subject to special duty to protect;
✅ those who are subject to the general duty of home collection;
The last two, who constitute the overwhelming majority of the population, They can leave / move to acquire “goods and services”, in other words, priority, to purchase food and medicines;
There is no general quarantine as, certainly by ignorance, some persist in writing.
Having made this clarification on the Market, meets me also that today the 18.30 I was honored to receive a phone call, in my capacity as President of the District Civil Protection Commission, the Honorable President of the Republic, Prof.Dr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, asking me how was the first day with the new measures in our region and to wish us all, mayors and inhabitants of the District of Beja, a lot of courage and determination in the weeks that will follow, expressing its institutional solidarity to each low-Alentejo and other residents in the region.