Beja: Câmara promotes “Buy in Beja” campaign.

Coinciding with the 3rd phase of national deflation, scheduled for day 1 June, the City Council of Beja promotes campaign for purchases in local commerce.

The local authority's campaign aims to encourage the purchase of products in local commerce and consumption in local restaurants. No case of Beja, and in local shops / restaurants that join, one coupon will be assigned for each € 15.00 of purchases / consumption made.

The campaign will run for 4 months (of 1 from June to 30 of September) and the monthly prize amount is € 2.500,00, divided by 5 prizes / winners (€ 1.000,00; € 700,00; € 500,00; € 200,00 e € 100,00). – the value of the prizes is in vouchers of € 50.00 / each which have to be “consumed” in local commerce and local restaurants adhering to the initiative until today 16 November;

Sweepstakes will be public, always on the day 3 the following month and will be held at the Library at 18.00 hours. Coupons are only valid for the draw of the month to which the purchase relates, not accumulating for subsequent draws.

The City Council clarifies that the winners will always be contacted by the services of the municipality and to collect the prizes, it is mandatory to present the purchase / consumption receipt that consists of the simplified invoice or the complete invoice associated with the drawn coupon.

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