Beja: Chamber today receives ”Parchment” Route project 20 in the Eco-Schools project

The Municipality of Beja, receives today in the Main Hall of the Town Hall, the symbolic passing of Serpa Municipality of testimony, in the Eco-Schools project, handing the parchment Route Project.

BEJA- Câmara_800x800The city of Beja receives today, by 11 hours, in the Main Hall of the Town Hall, in Beja, the ”Parchment” of the Rota dos Project 20. An initiative of the “Rota Eco-Escolas” coordinated at national level by the Associação Bandeira Azul (BAE), involving the municipalities participating in the Eco-Schools and schools enrolled in each county.

The project aims to alert the school community for the importance of safer mobility, sustainable, efficient and inclusive, by involving the local community, identifying problems and proposing solutions, involving the municipalities in the articulation of the Eco-Schools network of your county.

From today until 13 January 2016, each school will present its activities and make the symbolic delivery of the parchment of the “Route of 20″ project, which involves 20 regions (18 distritos do continente e as 2 autonomous regions).

Remember that Beja recently received the certificate of “Municipality Partner Eco-Schools 2015”, for the support given to the schools that participated in this program at the municipality level, the school year 2014/2015 and the county are enrolled, Until now, this program 5 Schools (Externato AntĂłnio SĂ©rgio, Agrarian School, School of Education, School of Technology and Management and Children's Centre Colonel Sousa Tavares).

The Children's Center Colonel Sousa Tavares, the António Sérgio Externship, and the Escola Superior Agrária de Beja were the educational establishments in the municipality distinguished this year with the Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The "Eco-Schools", of which we have been partners since the year 2008/2009, is an international program of “Foundation for Environmental Education”, developed in Portugal, from 1996, by ABAE (European Blue Flag Association ), with the aim of promoting environmental education and citizenship and recognizing the work carried out by schools within the scope of Environmental Education.

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