Beja: Desassossego singers will have space at the Casa da Cultura.

The Choral Group “Cantadores do Desassossego”, Beja, There will be a rehearsal room, provided by the municipality.

According to the mayor of Beja “the recovery of degraded space in the Casa da Cultura de Beja to be transferred to a cultural entity based in the municipality on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of Cante Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.

Contract work worth € 10.000,00 with new electrical system, floor treatment and interior painting.

Saturday is Sing day in Beja

Monday, day 27/11, the 9th anniversary of the elevation of Cante Alentejano to Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is celebrated.

In Beja, we anticipated by two days marking the moment with the great parade of 11 groups from the municipality of Beja through the city streets (two distinct routes) a partir the 11 am.

So, Saturday 25/11, parade of Choral Groups from the municipality of Beja in the morning and, at night, the little ones, “The Nightingales of Alentejo” perform at Pax-Júlia from 21.00 hours, with tickets at € 5,00.

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