Beja: Catarina Martins, Coordinator of the BE, He argues that "no one can be left behind".

Catarina Martins, Coordinator of the Left Bloc, This Beja in the applicant's submission to the House Beja, José Pedro Oliveira, where national issues dominated his speech. About Beja justified that need “a decent response” on rail.

With the PSD candidate headquarters and candidate photos Pinela Fernandes, the Beja Chamber in local authority of 1 October, the presentation of the local candidate of the Left Bloc (BE), José Pedro Oliveira, Catarina Martins, talking about the state budget 2018 that despite "very timid changes", after the many cuts that the Portuguese suffered the previous Government, "The time has come not to leave anyone behind".

The bloquista Coordinator, He recalled the commitments in November 2015, with the PS to support the government of António Costa. "One of the lines that have to drive these commitments, involve increasing pensions ", justified.

Catarina Martins also spoke about the National Minimum Wage (SMN), IRS tax brackets by Vítor Gaspar, discussions of Major Investments and racism against Roma, but it was the teachers who deserved the great defense Catarina.

"Let us make decent step, which is linked to the frame 11.000 teachers who every year are contracts ", justified. Catarina Martins argued that "no sense of these schools need teachers and every year is the same scenario. Insecurity, anxiety and heart in the hands of these professionals ", adding that "this is the time to create more and better public school. It's a matter of choice", finished.

On or IRS, Catherine attacked Vítor Gaspar that "charged plus tax who worked more and earned less", arguing that "it is necessary to create more levels and relieve those who worked more and more paid", adding that for BE social justice is done "to charge more taxes to higher wages and capital", concluded.

On the Great Investments turned to Beja and the need for "a decent answer to the railway level", adding that produce the cheapest Alentejo and turn elsewhere "is to condemn agriculture", finished.

On one of the controversies that have marked the last time in Beja, involving the Roma, Catarina Martins argued that "racism and ciganofobia, They are not good counselors and do not solve problems ", explaining that it can not "copy acts of Right", a clear allusion to the words of André Ventura, PSD candidate Loures Chamber.

In his speech the leader bloquista, the Budget Cativações Government, They were proportionally equal to the aircraft in Beja airport, "They did not land".

Teixeira Correia


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