Beja: CDU promotes the 3rd Thursday, Public Act, with Jerónimo de Sousa and João Ramos.

The Democratic Coalition Unit (CDU) promotes on Tuesday, a partir the 18:00 hours, in Mértola doors, in Beja, um Public Act.

Beja - João Ramos_800x800The initiative of the communists will feature the intervention of John Ramos , Deputy of Parliament, member of the board of the Regional Beja PCP Organization and head of list of the CDU Parliamentary Elections this year by the Beja Electoral Circle, and Jerónimo de Sousa, Secretary, General CFP.

O Public Act, open to the public, will be an opportunity for the CDU present proposals and solutions that the region and the country, based, according to a Coalition “political alternative, patriotic and left to break with the direction disaster successive governments of the PS right policy, PSD e CDS”.

Teixeira Correia


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