Beja: is celebrated today, Thursday Ascenção, the municipal holiday.

The Noble City Hall Hall receives the traditional ceremony of delivery of medals and municipal insignia, Thursday Ascension, or popular as “Day Spike” and municipal holiday.

Lidador, Beja, mosaico_800x800Beja celebrates, today, its municipal holiday and, para celebrar a data, the municipality has prepared a set of initiatives that aim to mark the occasion.

There is the ceremony of medals and municipal merit badges, 11.00am, in the Main Hall of the Town Hall, a instituições funcionários municipais e bombeiros voluntários.

O feriado municipal de Beja é móvel, celebrando-se todos os anos na sexta 5ª feira após o domingo de Páscoa. Hoje celebra-se também o feriado municipal nos concelhos de Alvito e Vidigueira.

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