Beja: Cape Verdean citizen arrested and tried a third time for drug trafficking.

A Cape Verdean citizen, of 30 year old, "Owner" of a broad register by drug trafficking, He went on trial for the same crime, in what is a repeat offender.

José Brito, It has passed since 2011, his days divided between the Prisons of Beja and Setúbal and risk spending the next decade arrested.

The defendant was sentenced by the Court of Beja to a penalty of 4 years and 8 months for the commission of a drug trafficking crime and more 3 years and 6 months by the Court of Setúbal, the same offense, whose sentence has not yet become final.

For the latter process was in custody and was returned to freedom and a few days later he was re-arrested in Beja.

The individual residing in Almada, It was anticipated in 28 March, no IP2, with the Infantry Regiment, in Beja, driving a car, the military GNR found not to have mandatory periodic inspection.

Realizing that it was commanded to stop, He threw the window a bag containing a white powder, with 19,417 grams, that after analysis, heroin proved to be. After a magazine, They were found in their possession 185 euros and also two mobile phones.

At the beginning of the first session of the trial, José Brito remained silent, who came to break after hearing the testimony of the military GNR, Collective telling the judges that "it", referring to the heroin, "They were arranging", holding that there was intention of law enforcement officers in the incriminating.

The Cape Verdean also sought to justify coming from the Algarve, to go to Almada and the trip by Beja was to "get a job". After consulting with the case the judge reminded the defendant that "the last time work in Beja, was selling drugs. He was arrested and sentenced ", concluded.

Teixeira Correia


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