Beja: Indian citizen vandalized fire station.

A citizen of Indonesian origin, about 40 year old, considered very violent, entered the Beja Volunteer Fire Station last night (BVBeja) and vandalized the facilities, breaking glass from the institution's doors and stealing various goods.

Despite the losses being large, present on Monday afternoon at the first judicial interrogation at the Beja Court, the individual was released, the decision is not known, if the case is dismissed or if the defendant has been notified to appear on a new date.

The situation happened shortly after 00,00 hours and to enter the building the individual broke the glass in the door leading to the staircase of the BVBeja Noble Hall, which is located in the second walk. To enter the hall, the man broke the glass of one of the doors, ending up stealing several goods that were in the space.

As the barracks gates were closed, No one inside was aware of the suspect's intrusion, having been a firefighter accessing the facilities who gave the alert. The situation was immediately communicated to the PSP, some of the BVBeja operatives carried out the first searches, having located the suspect approximately 500 meters from the barracks in possession of some of the stolen goods. BVBeja formalized a complaint against the perpetrator of the acts of vandalism.

The man has already been identified by authorities as the perpetrator of several theft and other crimes., namely property fire, ended up being detained by order of the Public Prosecutor's Office, to appear before the Court, where he ended up free.

Teixeira Correia


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