The Public Ministry (MP) from Beja accused Sohail Abbasi, a Pakistani citizen, of 41 year old, for the attempted murder with a knife of his compatriot Muhammad Chema, of 41 year old, following a discussion that took place at Monte das Alcaçarias de Cima, in the parish of Our Lady of the Snows, in Beja county.
The case occurred on the night of 20 August last year when the two men, who shared a room with other Pakistani citizens,, all being agricultural workers, they were involved in a physical confrontation, caused by alcohol intake. At the time of the incident and according to a statement from the Southern Directorate of the Judiciary Police (PJ), “The personal relationship between the two individuals had been deteriorating over the last few days. One of them armed himself with a knife and stabbed the other, causing serious injuries.”, justified.
After the crime, the individual did not leave the location, having been assisted by Beja firefighters and detained by GNR soldiers, to put an end to disrespect, the Intervention Detachment was activated.
After the individual's arrest, this was handed over to the PJ who instructed the investigation which is directed by the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of the District of Beja, having been present at the first judicial interrogation accused of a crime of qualified homicide in the attempted form, having been ordered into preventive detention and taken to the Beja Prison, where arrested.
In the indictment to which JN had access, the MP accuses the defendant of having wielded a knife if he cooks with 15 centimeters of blade and delivered five blows to the victim that did not cause his death due to the medical-surgical intervention to which he was immediately subjected at Beja Hospital.
The MP accuses Sohail Abbasi of the practice, in material authorship and in the attempted form, of a crime of qualified homicide.
Teixeira Correia