Beja: GNR Detachment commander accused of breaking the law with sets of cuts.

The Association of Professional Guard accused the commander of the Territorial Detachment of the Beja GNR not comply with the law by cutting the military clearances alleging lack of effective and achieving a fair.

According to the online edition of the Journal News (JN), quoting a statement, South delegation of the Association of Professionals of the Guard (APG / GNR) refers to the commander, “alleging lack of effective”, decided “suppress” o gozo dos descansos complementares e compensatórios dos militares do destacamento between Friday and Sunday and days 31 this month and 4 of September.

“It was not enough”, It was also determined that “Additional weekly and pillows were removed” the military of the Territorial Office of Cuba, part of the Territorial Detachment of Beja, between days 30 this month and 05 of September, “arguing-se” the holding of the Annual Fair of Cuba this year, which will take place between 31 this month and 4 of September.

A APG / GNR considera a situação “unusual”, why “those who have to enforce the law should, first of all, respect it and not make it as flexible as your personal will or distorted interpretation that have what is the primary mission of GNR, public safety”.

“Only reasons of force majeure, justified, should generate the suppression of pillows, which does not seem to, of everything, be or case”, maintains the association, noting that “are concerned situations of policing the festivities”.

According to the association, “It is obvious” it is not a matter of public policy, policing service of the fair “It should be requested by the promoter and provided in gratified regime, It is granted or not depending on the actual available”.

“It is that the nuclear mission of the GNR is the security of the population and not policing the festivities”, frisa a APG / GNR, requiring the command of the GNR “immediate correction” the two situations, what “pass a bad image of the institution, no longer to refer to deep and righteous indignation that professionals are feeling the GNR”.

Contacted by Lusa, o Comando Territorial de Beja da GNR, through the public relations officer, He declined to comment on the charges of APG / GNR.

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