Beja: PSP command issues statement on event with man on hunger strike.

The District Command Beja PSP, yesterday issued a statement which gives knowledge of the events in which he was involved the man who was on hunger strike at the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Beja, which was theft target.

BEJA- Stolen and stabbed_800x800In a statement issued yesterday, o Comando Distrital (CD) de Beja da PSP, confirms that a man 38 year old (ed: Sergio Silva, former employee of the Board of Health Lady of the Parish, Evora), It was the target of a robbery, by an individual who held a white Arna, that he stole a purse with documents and 200 euros. O CD da PSP refere também que dois dias depois a Esquadra de Investigação Criminal (EIC) PSP Beja, It identified a male person as the alleged perpetrator of the offense.

What the PSP document does not mention is that on 11, Friday, such as Lidador News released the indiíviduo s again be heard in the JIT, sendo depois transportado ao hospital ao que tudo indica devido ao estado de fraqueza, a que se pode ter juntado o stress de ter estado durante três horas a prestar declarações (read here: hospital/). Note Police also does not explain whether the facts have been reported to the Public Prosecution, before or after the hearing Sergio Silva, that after hospital discharge, cerca the 03.00 Saturday, He abandoned the protest and returned to Évora in the woman's company.

Teixeira Correia


District Command of Beja – Press note – REF.ª 00014.CDBEJA.PSP.2015

On 7 September a man 38 year old, who was on hunger strike at the Administrative Court of Beja, It was the target of a robbery by a man wielding a melee weapon and subtracted him a bag containing documents, a piece of clothing and about 200 (two hundred) euros.
On 9 of September, following the steps taken by the Criminal Investigation Police Station PSP Beja, It identified a male person as the alleged perpetrator of the offense.
The facts notified to the public prosecutor, It is still under investigation.

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