Beja: Command of the PSP made three arrests, one by threatening police officer.
The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja), within its powers to prevent and combat the practice of permanent criminal and illicit contraordenacionais, no period 13 a 26 of December 2019, recorded and highlights three arrests, one by threats and coercion to law enforcement officer.
The CDBeja recorded the arrests of three people, a 65 years, by motor vehicle driving under the influence of alcohol, having accused a BAC of 1,49 g/l, another 44 years, by motor vehicle driving, without legal authorization for this purpose and finally a third 32 years, suspicion of the commission of the crimes of threats and coercion to Agent Authority.
Inspection operations:
1 Bus Inspection operation, in Beja, using the Radar, which accounted 2900 controlled vehicles, with detection 9 offenses, 18 Bus Inspection Operations, framed in Beja CD Operational Activity and the National Inspection Plan, which account: 234 inspected vehicles, 128 Drivers submitted to blood alcohol test and 24 detected offenses.
road accidents:
Beja and Moura, log 2 road accidents, which resulted, only, materials damage.
preventive actions / awareness and other:
The Weapons Center and Explosives CD Beja, in their facilities and also through its Customer Not Standing Desk, accomplished, the period under, in the municipality of Alvito, proceeded to gather 18 firearms, forfeited to the State.
The CD Beja, through all its valences, and Christmas time period, has developed, daily, various actions of preventive policing and outreach, targeting the areas of greatest flow of trade and people, these actions, framed in Operation PSP, nationally, "Police Always Present: Secure parties 2019/2020 ".