Beja: Territorial GNR command celebrates 7th anniversary in 1 August.

The next day 1 August, as part of the restructuring of GNR, marks the 7th anniversary of the creation of the Territorial Command Beja and transfer to the city and the district of the 2nd Rural Company of Battalion No. 3.

UNIDADE_800x800 DAYThe 105th Birthday of the final transfer of the then Rural 2nd Company Battalion No. 3 Republican National Guard to the city and throughout the district of Beja and, simultaneously, arising from the last restructuring of the Guard, the 7th anniversary of the creation of the Territorial Command Beja, held-not next day 1 August.

To celebrate the anniversary, this unit will carry out a set of military nature activities, cultural, social and religious, to be held in the cities of Serpa and Beja, in order to give public testimony of their commitment, dedication and effort for citizens and public cause, a clear statement of the strong presence of the GNR in the region.

Some of the upcoming events are organized in partnership with the Municipality of Serpa, that we want to emphasize here, extolling the extraordinary and fruitful collaboration that we have been given by this Government.

Programme of celebrations

25 July- 19h00: Religious cerimony, Church of the Savior, in Beja.

26 July- 10h00: Open Day Command, Building GNR, in Beja.

27 July- 09h30: Solidarity Football Tournament, Sports complex, in Beja.

28 July- 09h30: Seminar “Safety in the Elderly”, auditorium Musibéria, Serpa.

28 July- 09h00: Blood Harvest action, Building GNR, in Beja.

01 August- 18h00: Military ceremony, Arches Street in Serpa.

01 August- 21h30: Event Musical / Cultural Outreach, Cineteatro Municipal, Serpa.

Teixeira Correia


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