Beja: Celebrations of the 5th Anniversary Sing Heritage Site.
To celebrate 27 November 2019 five years of Sing classification as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The date is more than symbolic. The Beja Chamber celebrates the date through project “Beja singing”.
IT IS, somehow, the culmination of a period of adjustment this cultural event, in all its aspects, the notoriety that the registration of the universal list gives. The Sing changed much. matters, that is why, investigate the nature of these changes, note the negative and positive aspects, but above all, matter to refocus Sing what gives you the vital force, the authorities.
Beja date will be celebrated focussing attention on the County choirs, giving them a voice, in places where the strength and the particularities of its can reverberate in all its splendor: the city's churches.
Alongside a route from Sing to Sunsets by these spaces with several Beja county groups, Volunteers in October and November a discussion opportunity on some points raised in the discussions carried out over the past five years.
One of the highlights of the celebration of these 5 years of Sing Heritage Site will be the inauguration of Interpretive center of Portuguese music to like her own already this Saturday, day 26, by 17h30. In addition to tell you a little of historic sing and viola Campaniça, allow through interactive table MPGDP, browse over three thousand videos recorded by Tiago Pereira from 2011, with obvious emphasis on traditional music repertoire Beja County.
It also offers a musical experience where visitors will sing two Alentejo fashions interpreted by Cantadores of Disquiet, Beja group municipality.
Five years after the classification can be counted by Beja and its parishes nineteen senior choirs and two children's choirs. It is a number that impresses with vitality that testifies. Proves that Beja has always been and will sing of land. These three dates the City Council makes the invitation so that everyone can move the Beja and listen to this vital Sing. ​