Beja: Concentration at Hospital entrance convened by the Commission of Users.

The Beja Users Committee is scheduled for this afternoon at a concentration Beja Hospital entrance. At the same time George Serafin invites …. citizens initiative for the Festival B.

The Users' Committee of Beja (CUB) today organized a concentration by 18:30 hours, next to the main entrance of the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes Beja.

This concentration aims to mobilize and raise awareness of the worsening situation and the NHS, in particular, Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes.

“In defense of the National Health Service”, “By hiring more doctors and other professionals” and “Against the closure of the Obstetrics Service”, are the main lines of defense of the CUB.

At the time of the concentration begin initiatives the second day of Festival B, Jorge Serafim inviting citizens to “Beja love”.

Remember that the Users Committee of Beja online petition has the "Beja demands more! Because health is a right!", which requires the fulfillment of which is included in article 213, lei 71/2018, State Budget for 2019 and, to give “... start the procedures for… the expansion of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes Beja”.

The Users' Committee of Beja was presented in mid-February, and proposed to "give voice to the desires and demands of the population, having held the first initiative on 26 Feb., also the main entrance of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja.

Teixeira Correia


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