Beja: Competition for Director of the Employment and Vocational Training Centre was closed.
There will be named the director of the Job Centre and Beja Training,of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP), the contest was ended.
According to a notice published yesterday in the Official Gazette, which accounts for the resolution of the Governing Council (CD) of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP), this determines the end of the competition for filling the post of Director of Employment and Training Centre Beja Professional.
According to the order of the DR, the contest is given as ended by "adjudicate because it is not possible to appoint the candidate proposed by the Jury".
In other words, It was determined candidate and proposed by the jury, but the Governing Council did not accept his appointment. According to the text of the Official Gazette, the IEFP CD decision was taken in 29 May and the day 8 June, They took possession of the directors of Beja Employment Centres, Moura and Ourique. So far it was not possible to ascertain whether the current director will keep it in office or be replaced.
Also yesterday in the Official Gazette ended the competition procedure for the post of Labour Market Management Unit Coordinator, Employment and Training Centre Beja Professional, but by this "lack of candidates to designate". According to found the Lidador News concurrent to the place he was sworn in as director of the Moura Job Centre.
Teixeira Correia