Beja: Sentenced to 6 years and 6 months for attempted murder of brother.

He tried to kill his brother with a weapon by the eventual theft of two phones and a headphones. He was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months for attempted murder.

A man of 45 year old, resident in Beja, was yesterday sentenced in the Criminal Court of the city court, a 6 years and 6 months in prison and a compensation 5.000 euros charged with a single crime of murder, the attempted form, perpetrated against a brother, with a weapon.

The facts occurred in a city artery on 13 December 2018, António Barrocas when crossed with his brother and questioned whether he had been to steal two mobile phones and some headphones that had at home.

The defendant accused's brother have jumped the wall of the housing, after opening a door and to have stolen goods. On the street there was a heated argument and then the brother assaulting, Antonio pulled out a knife and dealt a blow to the neck, the Collective of Judges gave as proven "with the intention to kill".

António Barrocas was charged with an offense of aggravated homicide, in attempted aggravated form and threat, that was cleared, what a confirmed it would have been worth conviction 12 years in prison.

In reading the judgment, Judge Victor Maneta reminded the defendant his extensive resume and their tendency to crime arguing that "when you're out here always finds way to go into", justified.

When the judge sentenced him to pay damages to Brother, who attended the reading of the judgment, no value 5.000 euros, António Barrocas, He told the judge: "When out of jail, settling accounts with him ", finished.

The individual who is in custody, in Prison Beja, will keep that status coercive.

Teixeira Correia


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