Beja: Driver drunk "pruning" avenue separator grove.
a driver, at a rate (TAS) of 2,70 g alcohol per liter of blood, "Pruned" yesterday the central reservation bushes Avenida Vasco da Gama, in Beja, having suffered minor injuries in the jaw region.
The accident occurred at about 05,00 hours, when the driver, 37 year old, natural of Ferreira do Alentejo, cut off with a van, Close of 30 meters of vegetation, having said that the PSP will have fallen asleep. The car only stopped after the havoc caused by the suspension and engine logs.
The Lidador News (LN) Police found that agents of the Criminal Investigation (EIC) da PSP, They are investigating a possible race with another car and the connection "to track existing damage to three vehicles" parked in that artery.
The driver was arrested and required to attend yesterday afternoon in the prosecution of Beja.
This was not the highest blood alcohol level detected a driver in the urban area of ​​Beja, since in the past day 30 of December, a woman driving with a BAC 2,76 g / l and a man hours later caused a violent collision, accusing 2,87g / l.
Teixeira Correia