Beja: Driver held by PSP for disobedience and dangerous driving.
The PSP Beja stopped yesterday, after a chase 20 kilometers, an individual 36 year old, native of Guinea-Bissau, for disobedience and dangerous driving.
The man was traveling in a van, accompanied by two other compatriots, of 19 and 26 year old, respectively, when it was sent by agents of the Criminal Investigation Police (EIC) to one of the city's arteries, not having obeyed the orders of the police.
I still act the individual entered, Rua António Sardinha, one of the busiest thoroughfares of the city, in the opposite direction to traffic, not having hit cars or pedestrians. Despite attempts PSP, the driver still escape into the National Road (IN) 18, crossing the village of Penedo Gordo, not respecting the red lights of traffic lights.
The offender and other occupants of the vehicle were only held in the town of Santa Vitória, about what 20 miles of Beja.
Taken to the Police Station, They identified, They are to reside and work in the city of Beja.
Made a magazine the vehicle was not detected any illegal product, but the car had no insurance, or inspection, situation that led to the issuance of two fines. The driver was constituted defendant for disobedience and dangerous driving, taking the three men were returned to freedom.
Teixeira Correia