Beja: District coordinator of the Left Bloc believes that NATO is not welcome.
The Left Bloc Beja District Coordinator issued a statement which considers the NATO / NATO “NOT WELCOME IN Beja”, concerning the realization of the Year “Trident Juncture 2015”, in Infantry Regiment 1.
In the document Beja District Coordinator of the Left Bloc (CDBBE), begins by making some considered on “the first phase of the NATO exercise - Trident Juncture 2015 - Began to 3 October, in Infantry Regiment No. 1 Beja, with the participation of the military's General Staff Command Joint Logistic Suport Group (JLSG) e do Forward Element do Joint Force Command Brunssum, extending up to 16 October”.
After the CDBBE, adds that the “Trident Juncture 2015 You have a second phase, between 21 October and 6 November, It is considered "the biggest exercise of NATO since the end of the" war- -free ", involving the whole command structure with the participation of about 36 thousand, Over 30 countries”.
The statement which has four points, where the structure of BE, justifies the reasons considers that the NATO / NATO “You are welcome to Beja”:
1. The Beja District Coordinator BE expresses deep disappointment at the realization of a NATO exercise this city. Beja found himself free, in the late 80 of a German air base used numerous times for weapons traffic by aircraft of the US and NATO, in particular the crises in the Middle East, undermining peace and security of the country and our region.
2. After the end of "Cold War", instead of dissolving, NATO stepped up its bellicose character globally, with the "endless war" from Afghanistan to Iraq or Libya, the pretext of "combating terrorism". The failure of this strategy is evident in Syria, with the strengthening of fundamentalism and the rise of "Islamic State".
3. NATO is and the symbol of the submission of Europe to US dictates and its armed wing in the imperial dispute with Russia, with huge risks for peace in Ukraine, Syria and that may spread to Turkey, the Caucasus and the Balkans.
4. The Portuguese people, already battered by austerity, dispenses war games like Trident Juncture 2015, an unacceptable waste of resources, particularly undesirable during the formation of new government. Portugal is, apparently, a sovereign country is not a protectorate of NATO.