Beja Debate “social responsability” It takes place tomorrow at the headquarters edia.

“Social responsability”, It is the subject of a debate to be held tomorrow, organized by edia, EAPN Portugal and GRACE and aims to encourage organizations to integrate more and more of ethical values ​​and social responsibility in its activity.

Organized by edia, by EAPN Portugal (European Anti Poverty) and the GRACE (Group of Reflection and Support for Corporate Citizenship) will be held in the auditorium of the headquarters of edia, in Beja, tomorrow, 29 November, a partir the 14:00 hours, a round table where the central theme will be the "Social Responsibility".

this initiative, que conta também com a colaboração do NERBE-AEBAL (Corporate core of the Beja region) is yes RSO PT (Network Social Responsibility Portugal Organizations), It aims to encourage organizations to integrate more and more of ethical values ​​and social responsibility in its activity, taking advantage of the opportunity to share knowledge and social development experiences and community, based on forms of social investment. It also seeks to disseminate intervention strategies and creative methodologies for innovation and sustainability of community projects.

This action is aimed at entities of the Social Economy, the Business and Trade Associations and the Education Institutions.

In the first panel, that counts with the participation of NERBE, Gracia is yes RSO PT, It will be made an approach on a national and regional perspective on the subject, particularly on the importance of incorporating social responsibility policies in Businesses and Organizations.

The second panel will be filled with the sharing of experiences and social responsibility projects carried out by edia in partnership with different entities of the Region, and the presentation of other projects carried out by companies and other institutions in the area of ​​influence of the Alqueva project.

The session ends with the presentation of the project's objectives "Alqueva Goes to School", the responsibility of edia, with the presentation of the results already achieved and the signing of new protocols between edia, School clusters and Professional Schools.

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