Beja: Unemployed suspect of raping woman who fed him is arrested.

The unemployed man who is suspected of having raped a woman who fed him, in Beja, was detained preventively.

The accused, of 30 years resident in the city of Alentejo, was present, Monday, to a shift criminal investigation judge, Serpa, which decreed the heaviest of coercive measures.

In a statement, yesterday, the Southern Directorate of the Judiciary Police (PJ) said that the facts date back to last Saturday, “date on which the Southern Director of the PJ received communication of the complaint, formalized by the victim himself with the police authorities, after the aggression likely to constitute the commission of the crime of rape.

“It was possible to determine that the victim, a woman, of 34 year old, was approached near her residence by a foreign citizen, that you will have met at the end of May, when he asked for help (food and other goods), since he was unemployed”, tell PJ.

This says that the individual was detained with the “collaboration” of the PSP. The complaint, found the Lidador News (LN), was made to this police, who proceeded to retain the suspect and informed the PJ, responsible for investigating this type of crime.

The suspect was questioned on Sunday by the PJ. The next day, was heard by an investigating judge, , the most severe measure having been applied to him”.

According to found the LN, the same individual would already be sought by the PJ, for being suspected of a similar crime in Setúbal, where were you before moving to Beja.

The investigation is led by the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) Beja, awaiting trial in pre-trial detention at the Beja Prison.

Conviction for rape

For committing the same type of crime, a citizen, of 28 year old, was sentenced, in April of this year, by a Panel of Judges from the Court of Beja to a sentence of six years in prison, 5.000 euros of compensation to the victim and expulsion from national territory.

Teixeira Correia


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