Beja: Firefighter Ambulance Flood near Salvada. No injuries.

An ambulance of INEM, property of the Volunteer Firefighters of Beja (BVB), It was unleashed on Friday afternoon on the Municipal Road that connects Salvado to Vale de Rossins, in Beja county.

The accident occurred at about 18,30 hours, when the emergency car, carrying two BVB operational, who suffered slight abrasions, having one of the elements was transported to the emergency service of Hospital de Beja for having suffered the anxiety attack.

The vehicle that was funded by INEM, which had a cost of 55 thousand euros, But it belongs to the Bejense Fire Department, off the road, flipped over and turned around. The damage is very large. Source of the Firefighters told Lidador News that “it is a car for the scrap”, justified.

In relief to the two rugged firefighters were four GNR firefighters, supported by two cars.

Teixeira Correia


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