Beja (District): 24 March-Student Day, “Fight Day”.
Morning 24 March is the day of student, which this year celebrates its 55 year old. This day marks the struggles that students made during fascism in defense of their Student Unions, democracy and freedom.
According to a statement issued by the Student Association of Secondary School Moura (AEESM), This holds that “to today, the 24 March should be celebrated with fight because many problems we still face in our schools”.
The document is then “shredded” a series of considered about the reasons that lead to protest. “Result of cuts and chronic lack of financing investment in education carried out by by successive governments that apply there right policy decades in Portugal, today, students are faced with a huge lack of material and human conditions in schools”.
“In our district and in our county are numerous schools with brutal shortcomings: the lack of staff and teachers: the cost of textbooks and other materials; and the degradation of several schools that require works such as the High School of Serpa and Ourique, even the Castro Verde School that still have asbestos roofs; They are constant in primary and secondary schools in the district and country; problems in transport and travel for schools, as is the case of Moura students of Transportation that has great shortcomings, students who have difficulty in moving to school, due to the price of the pass, and that once again increased the price of road and still remains insufficient support of successive governments in relation to the school pass, Apart from the bad and few times and lack of career; Invarialmente, injustice that are of national examinations and specific evaluation moments at the expense of hurting increasingly continuous assessment. In addition to these problems, You can add the lack of funding in professional courses, materials having consequences, late payment of subsidies, subsidy payment stages and the strong workload”.
For these and other reasons, more than 30 were dozens of Student Associations across the country and our district, unite for this day 24 March is coming together to this day of struggle for school we have right!
- Municipality of Moura: Secondary school and Professional Moura
- Municipality of Serpa: Secondary school Serpa
- Municipality of Ourique: School 2+3 Ourique
- Municipality of Beja: School Santiago Maior, Schools Santa Maria, Secondary school High School Diogo Gouveia, Secondary School D. Manuel
- Castro Verde County: Secondary School Castro Verde
A AEESM effort justifying that “We will not let this day be forgotten, pointing it, for all or country, by the school to which we are entitled and, above all, because this is our day!