Beja (District): Federation issues statement on fire “except for decision”.

After more than 600 years of history, Portuguese Firefighters in consequence of instruments adopted in October by the Council of Ministers, They decided to take a decision exception.

Once exhausted all attempts at negotiation, to change serious errors that will affect not only the Fire, but mostly irresponsibly put into question the aid of all the Portuguese population, it is time to say enough is enough!

So, taking into account these assumptions, and as a result of the National Meeting of Firemen and LBP of the National Council held on 8 December in Santarém, was resolved unanimously that praise and standing from said 24 day:

  • Failing to report the events to communication ANPC;
  • Take no part in DECIR 2019;
  • Miss all official ceremonies as they are present members of the government and / or members of the ANPC.

All these measures will be maintained until the government reflects and enshrines in the legitimate claims of the Fire Act. Volunteers Firefighters complain:

  • A national steering firefighters “independent and autonomous with its own budget”;
  • An autonomous command fire;
  • The social card fireman.

The Federation of Beja District Fire, informs the District's population, that, your safety will continue with the same level of readiness and efficiency, reaffirming that the aid to the population never, is not and never will be concerned, supported by mutual aid of the various District Fire Stations, rest as they always have in the past.

In case of EMERGENCY call 112 or contact the Fire Department of your area.

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