Beja: Professor of the Polytechnic Institute integrates Commission that deserved public praise.

José Alberto Mendes Leal, teachers do Polytechnic Institute Beja (IPBeja) integrates Commission that deserves public praise of Higher Education State Secretary.

IPBeja_800x800IPBeja of teaching integrates Organizing Committee of the Seminar "Academic Success", promoted by the Ministry of Education and Science, They deserve public praise given by the Secretary of State for Higher Education.

The Academic Success is one of the lines of action identified in the initiative "management quality improvement in fulfilling the missions of higher education institutions (IES) public "promoted by the Ministry of Education and Science through the Higher Education State Secretary.

In this sense the IPBeja, in the person of Dr. Joao Alberto Mendes Leal, It integrated the Organizing Commission to put forward proposals in this area and organized a workshop with the Higher Education Institutions, aiming to describe, analyze and identify the main factors related to academic success in national public HEIs; disclose the measures to promote that success in the 1st cycle of studies; disclose the measures to promote that success in the 1st cycle of studies.

Given the expression of interest revealed, the Ministry of Education and Science through the Higher Education State Secretary, decided to fund projects to support the operations of higher education institutions, thus contributing to the promotion of joint activities in this area.

The success of this design, resulted in a public praise, the Organizing Committee of the Seminar "Academic Success", provided by the Secretary of State for Higher Education, José Alberto Nunes Ferreira Gomes.

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