Beja: EMAS launches challenge to schools.

The EMAS through the project “Water Heroes”, launches challenge to the county schools, through actions to mitigate and combat climate change in the urban water cycle.

A EMAS de Beja, through environmental awareness project "Heroes of Water", promoter which is, invites all students of Beja county schools to take an active role in the sustainable development of society, notably through actions to mitigate and combat climate change in the urban water cycle.

In this sense, which is promoted the challenge, "Challenging climate change". This initiative aims to promote active global citizenship and a greater awareness of the role of each in building a safer world, healthier and more sustainable.

Pollution and lifestyle can cause irreversible changes in the environment and in turn, endanger the survival and well-being of communities, and influence the livelihoods of millions of people. So, it is suggested that students and teachers to work around the theme "The influence of climate change on urban water cycle".

Environmental sustainability depends on all of us and with this challenge we all have to gain. See the Regulation

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