The Executive of the City Council of Beja approved the award of the contract for Municipal Road n.⁰ 513, known as “Quintos road”. The value of the work will be € 887.000,00 + VAT.
Now that the work has been awarded, the winning company will be notified to deliver the enabling documentation for the purpose of signing the contract and provide the legally required bank guarantee. Subsequently, the contract will have to be sent to the Court of Auditors for consideration.. There is an expectation that this requalification will start in the current year.
I remind you that in the Municipal Budget of 2023 contests were entered – with burden sharing 2023 and 2024 – for renovation works, by contract, of Municipal Roads n.⁰ 511 e n.⁹ 513.
The tender for the works on Municipal Road n.⁹ 511 is also finalized and the report of the competition jury will be sent, with award proposal, to the next Board meeting.
This is a work without funding and the Municipality will take out a loan from the bank to carry out the work.