It was signed, in the Main Hall of the Municipality of Beja, the Consignment of the contract for the so-called “Edifício das Modas Felício, located in Praça das República and Rua Afonso Costa de Beja.
A obra, to begin as soon as the contractor can do so, has an estimated completion time of 540 days and will cost € 1.145.000,00, VAT already included, integrating the Beja Local Housing Strategy.
When the work is completed, the building will have 8 housing units with lower rent values than those practiced in the market and intended for young families as well as three small spaces on the ground floor with a destination yet to be decided, which may either house municipal services or be intended for commercial leasing.
With the start of works, namely installation of a construction site and scaffolding in the 1st phase and crane in the 2nd phase, Circulation in the area will undergo changes, which will be announced in due course..
Building donated by the Ferreira da Costa Cruz sisters
In an ordinary meeting of the Executive of the Municipal Council of Beja, held on 3 August 2016, the proposal to donate a building located at Praça da República and Rua dos Mercadores was “unanimously approved” (Old Street Shopping), where a ready-to-wear store still operates on the ground floor.
The proposal was made by Ferreira da Costa Cruz sisters, Maria Elvira, Maria Emilia, Maria Francisca and Maria Antônia, as legitimate heirs of the property located in Praça da República, n.ºs 27 and 28 and Merchant Street, n.ºs 2 a 12 (pair numbers), “because they cannot bear the expenses required to carry out conservation works”.
The building consists of ground floor, where does the establishment of ready-to-wear, “Happy Fashions”, 1Th e 2º andar, with an area of 254m2, eight police numbers, two on Praça da República and six on Rua dos Mercadores.
Minutes of the Beja City Council meeting 3 August 2016 (point 2.6, page 5):
Teixeira Correia