Beja: Team U23 Borussia Dortmund, stage, dispute this 4th show two games.
The team sub-23 of the German Borussia Dortmund dispute this Wednesday two training games, integrated on stage that are to be held in Beja. afternoon game to 16,30 hours, the entries in Beja Sports Complex are free.
As the Lidador News had revealed last day 30 October, the two training games take place tomorrow, Wednesday, 15 January. To 11 hours Borussia will face the sub-23 Vitoria Setubal and the 16,30 hours the Union Serpense, leader of Serie A 2nd District Division of Beja Football Association (A. F. Beja), whose president, as an immigrant was security at the stadium of Borussia, is responsible for the team coming to Beja.
The team came to town “Pax-Julia” Saturday night, not being housed Beja Parque Hotel, finishing the stage on Saturday, 18 January, being the team will do bidiários training, to 10 and the 16 hours, having available to municipal sports facilities.
The staff of Borussia when it came to Beja see the facilities was pleased with the hotel that stay 200 meters from training camps, allowing the team to move on foot.
The squad of Borussia Dortmund consists of twenty-six players, with just three foreign, Its main coach Mike Tullberg, that joins a technical staff of eight people and 30 minutes after stepping soil alentejano, followed for natural turf Sports Complex Fernando Mamede, for a desentorpecimento session for thirty minutes.
Borussia Dortmund II, as it is known in the western region of Rhineland League club in the North / Westphalia, plays in the western region League, 4th division Bundesliga, after returning to Germany, back to the official competition 25 January, after the winter interregnum.
O Ball Game Club Borrusia 1909, unidentified emblem as BVB 09, It has the nickname “That Schearzgelben” (Bone-Negro gold), has 110 years old, having been founded on 19 December 1909.
Teixeira Correia