Beja: “Salvada Road” bumpy, causes damage to vehicles and brings terrified drivers.

The five kilometers of the Municipal Road (IN) 511, in particular in the five thousand meters after leaving Beja, are an ordeal for motorists.

The arrival of the olive picking season and the desired onset of rain, made the so-called “Salvage Road”, back to potholes and damage to road users' vehicles.

Potholes and other damage from the EM511 are no strangers to the traffic of heavy goods vehicles loaded with around 30 tons of olives each, who circulate on that road.

Nelson Kitty, President of the Union of Parishes of Salvada and Quintas, He referred to Lidador News (LN) that “the matter was discussed with the autarchy and the work began to minimize road problems, with the laying of asphalt mass, is dependent on time, whether it rains or not, justified.

Rui Marreiros, vereador da Câmara Municipal de Beja confirmou ao LN que “estamos a avaliar a situação”, concluded.

Several reports arrived at LN from drivers whose vehicles suffered damage caused by holes in the EM511, but according to information from the Communication and Public Relations Officer of the Territorial Command of Beja, "since 1 of December and until this Monday there is only one report of damage to vehicles on that road”, completed our source.

Municipal Budget 2023 (OE2023)

Among the works foreseen in the OE2023 is the requalification of the Municipal Roads 511 (Beja/Salvada Crossing) and 513 (Crossroads of Salvada/Quintos) with a planned budget of 2,5 million. The date for the launch of the tender for the realization of those works has not yet been defined..

Teixeira Correia


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