Beja: Former Minister of Agriculture "shoots up" the current Minister in Ovibeja.

Asuncion Ridges, the president of the CDS / PP, was this morning visit to Ovibeja and the main theme addressed was agriculture.

The former Minister of Agriculture "shot up" to his successor accusing him of dropping "his big flag" which was a supporting line to finance for farmers, arguing that "was the little they managed to get, a low adhesion, a very complicated and unappealing mechanism. Breathe with a little more than relief that came the rain ", finished.

crests (file photo of Lidador News-Ovibeja 2017) It went further by accusing Capoulas Santos of having "the PDR 2020 stopped and many projects to be approved. The Government is unable to approve a lack of political will ", justified.

The president of the CDS / PP revealed in Ovibeja that "we will take advantage of a regimental figure of the Parliament which is the sectoral debate in plenary to call the Minister of Agriculture to answer questions from all Members, with direct questions of two minutes ", concluded

Present a symposium on agriculture, Capoulas Santos replied to Asuncion Ridges saying "were approved 1700 drought support projects, It is still running a credit line for animal feed ", accusing the former minister and have done little to support farmers.

"The support we are providing not have to do with those available at the time minister of ridges. The aid for losses in her time began only in 2000 euros, below these values, that they were most were not supported ", concluded.

Teixeira Correia


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