“Between the love of the city and the city of love”, to celebrate the 300 years of Mariana Alcoforado's death.
In the year in which the mark 300 years of Mariana Alcoforado's death, the Municipality of Beja prepared several cultural events, book launches, concerto, Theatre, conversations, itineraries and exhibition ‘Mariana Alcoforado – Between the love of the city and the city of love’.
The Municipality intends to show how the attribution of the work ‘Lettres Portugaises traduites en François’ or ‘Cartas Portuguesas’, how they were called in Portugal, to the nun from Beja comes to shake up the bibliophilia and Arts market in Portugal and more specifically, in Beja. Mariana aroused passions among patrons, collectors and artists and the city is, in his honor, The city of love.'
The exhibition will be on display at the Center for Archeology and Arts, in Beja, of 16 of September, opening day at 17 hours, a 30 of December, being visitable from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 13 hours and 15 to 19 hours.