Beja / Fª Alentejo: Two accidents yesterday morning are being investigated by the GNR.
Two skidding no injuries but leaking and excess alcohol, one in Vila Sour (Beja) and another in EN 121, near Ferreira do Alentejo. In the accident near Beja, the woman who introduced herself as conductive charged a fee of 1,10 g/l, more than twice the allowed limit.
Two ostentatious put off - one to escape from the driver -, occurred yesterday morning, Vila Sour, Beja, and the National Road (IN) 121, in Ferreira do Alentejo, They did not cause injuries, but caused many losses and left doubts in the military GNR, who are now investigating what happened.
"Officially" there were no injured, since in either case there was no warning of the fire.
In the first case, the woman who introduced herself to the authorities as driving the vehicle was subjected to test blood alcohol, having charged a fee of 1,10 g/l, more than twice the allowed limit. One of the occupants of the vehicle have suffered head injuries, but he refused help.
The accident occurred at about 02,00, in the village of Vila Sour, in the suburbs of Beja, when an open box van caused a real "Dragnet". When he entered the narrow street of small town, the vehicle crashed into the wall of a house, yawed to the left, where they were parked three cars and avoid hitting, the van swerved to the right, hit the front on a pole in cement left in half, having the rear entrance destroyed the fence of a house that is under reconstruction. It was the clash the post that prevented the vehicle entered into the housing, where people slept.
Already in Ferreira do Alentejo, the driver disappeared site, having the warning was given by another motorist, that came along and saw a Peugeot 106 overturned.
The accident occurred at about 06,00 NA 121, about what 5 kilometers of Ferreira do Alentejo, having been given warning to the GNR for a driver who went on site and realized the car. When authorities arrived at the scene there was no person by the Peugeot 106, I was wheeled into the air.
We spent a few hours, conductor, a Brazilian citizen, 29 year old, resident in Beringel (Beja) appeared on site, and explained to the authorities "that the screening was due to a dog" and had left the place "to be nervous and disoriented", justified.
conductive Punishment
If your blood alcohol level meeting, the measurement time, between 0,8 g/l e 1,2 g / l will incur a very serious offense, which will involve a total ban from driving for a period that can go from 2 months to 2 year old, and a fine corresponding to a value between 500 a 2.500 euros.
Teixeira Correia