Beja: Lack of support staff leads parents to close the School of the Greater Santiago lock.

The school EB2 / 3 Santiago Maior, in Beja, She appeared on the morning of Monday padlocked, a protest against the lack of auxiliary staff.

Last week a student of 7 year old, It was closed inside the school. The cases of aggression among students are recurrent and lack of relief is almost inexistent. The grouping direction refers responsibilities to the General Directorate for Schools, which responds to the "ratio", between students and assistants.

The parents, They are calling for more staff for the establishment. Which necessitated the presence of PSP for the two school doors were opened. The posters hung at the entrances of EB2 / 3 Santiago Maior, They were aware of the existence of 8 additives 400 students from Kindergarten to 9th. Year. In solidarity with the protest attended Vitor Picado, Alderman Beja House, with responsibility for Education, and Miguel Ramalho, president of the Greater Santiago Parishes Union and St. John the Baptist

Sofia Monteiro, President of the Association of Parents, He said that "everyone knows that the lack of monitoring and security exists, nobody does anything. Came to the height of the parents have already done surveillance to school door ", justified. In turn Eduardo Afonso, father of one of the students, He stated that "we are never rested when we leave our children in school", finished.

The protest extended to the maintenance of an auxiliary, Sandra its name, who was two years on probation and will leave the premises, for not having been renewed contract. According to the parents "it is an excellent person and captivated all kids. It is an injustice ", justified.

For its part the councilman of City Council Bejense, Vitor Picado, He said that "the situation is indeed worrying. The problems have been placed on the City Board of Education which is subject the Regional Director of Education, but nothing is done ", justifying that the Municipality of Beja, "I am in solidarity with the struggle of these parents", concluded.

After the presence of cross Laura, Deputy school director, and a conversation with the president of the association and some parents, cerca the 09,15 hours, the locks were opened, despite the presence of firemen, who were called to cut the chains. The vast majority of students did not have classes, since many of the teachers prevented from entering the school, eventually leave the place.

Teixeira Correia


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