Beja: Lack of ramps for disabled people and broken elevator postpone trial.

The elevator out of service and the lack of access ramps to the building's atrium and inside the courtroom, that would allow the presence of a defendant with reduced mobility, led to president of the Collective of Judges (CJ) to postpone the first session of the trial, scheduled for yesterday morning (Tuesday) the Court of Beja.

Being transported in a wheelchair, the individual 38 year old, was left by the back door of the courthouse, where you can access the elevator, the family members who accompanied him informed the court officials of the situation in question.

Faced with the unusual situation, in the session room, in the presence of the Public Prosecutor and the defendant's lawyer, the Collective of Judges decided to postpone the trial “sine-die”, until the situation is overcome and the defendant can access the interior of the spaces.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), the president of the CJ communicated the facts to the Judicial Administrator of the Beja Court and the General Directorate of Justice Administration (DGAJ), “in order to take the measures considered necessary, aimed at resolving access for people with disabilities to the entire building”. The two prosecution witnesses listed in the case, two inspectors from the Southern Directorate, who traveled from Faro, they were also dismissed.

The accused, accused of three crimes of pornography of minors, two of which aggravated, will wait for him to be notified again to be judged, as soon as the elevator is in service and ramps are built and a space is created inside the hearing room to allow for their presence.

From the courthouse lobby to the first floor, where trials of the Local Civil and Criminal Court take place, access is via two staircases, located at each top of the space, there is no alternative for those people to go up to the upper floor, the option being the elevator.

LN requested clarification from Victor Mendes, Judicial Administrator of the Beja Court, which justified that “we were aware of the 08,00 hours the elevator was out of order. Contacted the company responsible for maintenance, two hours later it was already working, but not in time for the trial to begin.”, justifying that the ramps outside the building and inside the room “are accesses that have not been implemented, not knowing when they could become a reality”, concluded.

Victor Mendes guaranteed that “the situation will be reported to the Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment (IGFEJ) and at DGAJ, who already have knowledge of the same, reinforcing the need to find better conditions for the use of the building”, finished.

Appointment of the Judicial Administrator

The order appointing Victor Mendes to the position, was published in the Diário da República (CRE) the last Monday, 19 Feb., with effect from the first day of the current. In the document, the presiding judge of the district, responsible for nominating, explains that it “is the largest in the country in geographical terms, which has innovative projects underway, and also one in which the deficit of judicial officers is also one of the highest”, justifying that from his experience, the choice of Victor Mendes “in view of the management experience, It will greatly facilitate the resolution of the challenges facing the region”, concluding that the replacement of the coordinating attorney is also underway. In the last decade, two judicial administrators held the position.

Teixeira Correia


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