Beja: Family Pratas mourning Palma per double death. One is the former journalist.

today died journalist Francisco Pratas and his sister Ana Pratas Palma, former footballer of the mother and banking, Fernando Palma Pratas.

Francisco Fernando Palma Pratas, 89 year old, married, journalist and father of singer Fernando Sparrow, died today in Beja. Francisco Pratas, as it was known in the region, was for many years a journalist of the Daily Alentejo, and was also a correspondent of the newspaper A Bola, having been the founder and developer of PVR.

Francisco Pratas, was also for many years Head of Guild of Service Trade and the Commercial Association of Beja District.

The body lies in state mortuaries in Beja, Living room 1. The funeral leaves Beja, to 8.45 hours, Tuesday, and proceeds to the cemetery Ferreira do Alentejo.

Today also died Ana de Jesus Abreu Pratas Palma, 89 year old, married to Fernando Palma Pratas, one of the members of a prestigious but more business houses in the city 60, 70 and 80, the Jofer Fashions, mother of former player of Sport Beja and former coach and pitchfork, Current administrator Beja Agricultural Credit, Fernando Palma Pratas. Pratas Ana Palma is coined by journalist Francisco Pratas.

The body lies in state mortuaries in Beja, Living room 3. The funeral comes out to the local cemetery, to 15.00 hours, Tuesday.

The bereaved family, the Lidador News presents the most heartfelt condolences.

Teixeira Correia


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