Beja: Fair Land 2023, Friday to Sunday.

Feira da Terra is an organization of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) which is already in its VII edition, always being a strong commitment of this Union of Parishes, which results in visible growth, year after year.

The event, which began as an event to promote vegetables from our parish, extended to our city, county and region, and, also, to multiculturalism, increasingly visible in our territory.

In 2022, the success of the bet on international Showcooking, showed us that the event should go further, in the exhibition of traditions from various countries. The idea came to fruition, and moved to the execution phase, in close collaboration with the Local Support Center for the Integration of Migrants of Cáritas Diocesana de Beja, with the Chamadarte association, and several migrants who live in our city.

This way, in editing 2023 the day begins 15 of September, a Fair was scheduled where there are traditional international showcookings, and, also, an African dance workshop, yoga, and sale of products characteristic of several countries.

These news, combined with traditional concerts, to local and regional exhibitors, to snacks, to tournaments and sporting demonstrations, in collaboration with associations in our municipality, make this one of the most anticipated editions ever.

The Fair takes place in the Beja Public Garden, and the entire program is available on the website, and social networks, of the Union of Parishes Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira.

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