Beja: Fair Land, the Public Garden 14 a 16 of September.

The Earth Fair organized by the Parish Union of Beja Salvador and Feira, It takes place between Friday and Sunday.

The Fair Land- “Yard and Horta”, it takes-is between 14 and 16 of September, having as a privileged space of the Public Garden and will Beja handicraft, regional products, Sing Alentejo, sports and entertainment.

The initiative is the Parishes of Union responsibility of Salvador and Feira, and has the support of the Municipality of Beja, intended for local producers and artisans.

14 of September

18h00: Group Beira Serra, 18h15: Presentation of Hip Hop and acrobatics class of Beja Sports Academy, 19h15: gym class at Fit Salvador, 19h30: Grupo Coral Golden Spikes Albernoa, 21h30: Calm and Vento Sul and 22h30: sound Andaluz.

15 of September

09h00/13h00: 1Basketball Tournament ° Land (Pavilion of the School of Santa Maria), 16h00: Football game between Wake and Desportivo de Beja (Traquinas of teams) and presentation of a couple and a level III trio of acrobatic gymnastics Beja Sports Academy, 17h00: Parish the Choir of St. John Negrilhos, 18h00: Coral Group Moços hamlets, 21h00: Malino, 22h00: Miguel Valente and 22h15: Orquestra S.I.M.

16 of September

16h00: Football game between Wake and Desportivo de Beja (petizes of teams), 17h30: Coral Group Carpe Diem, 18h00: Coral Group waft of Bacchus, 21h00: Group of Fashion in Fashion and 22h00: Zanguizarra.

Teixeira Correia


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