Beja: There 3 positive cases of covid-19 no Polytechnic Institute.

exist 3 positive cases at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja), whose infection was detected over the weekend.

In a statement, the Planning Service, Marketing and Communication (SPMC) of the institution justifies that “with these there are five cases already registered in the institution after September and related to an outbreak in an institution in the city, there were two students who tested positive ”.

According to the SPMC, in the last three cases detected “as a preventive measure, the respective classes immediately moved to distance learning”, adding that the internal communities of each school “were informed” by the direction of the Institute.

What the Communication Service does not clarify is whether infected people live in any of the student residences and whether they are Portuguese or students from PALOP’s.

The direction of IPBeja guarantees that “all the affected students are guaranteed the necessary social support throughout the period of isolation”, and that in close collaboration with the institution “the health authorities guarantee the follow-up and monitoring of the epidemiological situation according to the protocols” defined by the Directorate-General for Health.

Remember that in Beja there are three active focuses, one in the Operating Room of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes and two in nursing homes, at the São José Mansion and the Salvador Parish and Social Center.

In the hospital there are 14 infected from a total of 36 infected in the outbreak, while in the Mansion of Sã José there are 107 positive cases, 87 users and 20 officials, last Saturday having been transferred 54 users, two of which negative, for Air Base facilities 11. At the Social Center, known as “Lar do Padre Henrique”, were known yesterday 31 positive cases, 24 users and 7 officials, a total of 146 tests performed at the institution.

Teixeira belt


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