(Update) Beja: Herlander Mira will be the Director of Employment and Vocational Training Service (IEFP). Alentejo delegation refutes
Look Herlander, will be the Director of Employment and Vocational Training Service (IEFP) Beja, the appointment shall be published in the coming days in the Official Gazette. In Ourique, Inês Guerreiro will also be named. In mail sent to Lidador News, the Alentejo Regional Delegation of IEFP, It maintains that the news is unfounded.
Has learned the Lidador News (LN) along supply Alentejo Regional Branch of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), Look Herlander, will be the new director of the Employment and Vocational Training Service (IEFP) Beja, replacing Manuel Parreira, actual director. The appointment to be published in the coming days in the Official Gazette, results of a public tender that ran three candidates.
Look Herlander, is Professor of Mathematics and Science and currently plays the multidisciplinary team leader functions of the Alentejo Region Service Directorate of the General Directorate for Schools. In August 2012, He was named deputy regional director of the Regional Directorate of Education of Alentejo (Drea), where he moved to the current position.
Look Herlander, has 43 years, a specialization in special education, having been responsible for several European projects and replaced João Araújo, na Drea, which was however appointed Alentejo Regional Director of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth. In the local elections held on 2013, PSD candidate was the Municipality of Mértola.
The Lidador News also found that the Job Centre of Ourique will have new director and the name of Inês Guerreiro, by whose place has passed, is the name appointed to the position. Inês Guerreiro, He is president of the General Meeting of the Serra Santana People's House, presided over by his uncle, José Raul dos Santos, former President Municipality of Ourique.
Teixeira Correia
Mail the Alentejo Regional Delegation of IEFP
Hon. Mr. Teixeira Correia
Regarding the news published today in the information paper “Lidador News”, signed by journalist Teixeira Correia and available inwww.lidadornoticias.pt<https://lidadornoticias.pt/>, with title “Beja: Herlander Mira will be the Director of Employment and Vocational Training Service (IEFP)”, the Alentejo Regional Delegation of IEFP, IP to report to the next :
1. The news is totally unfounded and false.
2. They are running some contests for selecting leaders of the Organic Units Local IEFP, whereas in case of Ourique Employment Service still even opened course.
3. Of contests taking place, are not proposals made by the jury.
4. That is why, all the news is unfounded and false, further by invoking source of IEFP, which would be impossible to happen, in light of the vagueness and news content errors.
In view of the reported, it is requested that the news is immediately withdrawing that portal for all the reasons presented.
Regional Delegation of Alentejo