Beja: Today is celebrated o138º District Command Anniversary of Beja PSP.

The District Command Beja Public Security Police today celebrates its 138th birthday.

OVIBEJA PSP_800x800The date is marked with the realization, a mass at the Church of the Savior, in Beja, By intention of men and women, deceased, who served in the District Command Beja.

Follow-is-a, by 11.00 am, in the Noble Hall of the Civil Government Building, in Beja, ceremony protocolar, which will be chaired by His Excellency the Deputy National Director of the Organic Unit of Logistics and Finance, Superintendent Jose Torres Emanuel de Matos.

Next Friday, still part of the celebrations of the 138th Anniversary of the District Command Beja (photo of Lidador News file) , make-it-to, by 21H30, no Teatro Municipal Pax Julia, in Beja, a concert of the Symphonic Band of PSP, open to the general public, for all audiences and free.

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