As 54 beds for covid-19 patients at José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, they are all busy. In the past six days ULSBA has increased more 26, the number of hospital beds for infected.
Following the evolution of the pandemic and the consequent increase in the number of covid-19 patients, no Beja district, in need of hospitalization, the Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) added in the past 6 days, more 26 beds intended for hospitalization of infected.
The Covid Medicine Inpatient Service, located no Floor 3 Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja, que no dia 8 January had 24 Beds, have to date, 46 beds available,
In the hospitalization of covid patients in the Intensive Care Unit (UCI), as 4 level III beds registered full occupancy, what forced, a 10 January, to double the capacity increase, having now 8 Beds. At this time, the Internment and ICU beds, they are all busy.
Us 13 municipalities in the ULSBA area of ​​action, except Odemira, on the last day of the year there was a total of 2.214 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic and 644 active cases, while closing on Wednesday (Daily report 14-01-2021), there was a total of 3.400 cases and 1.355 active cases. Regarding the number of deaths, during the 13 days of 2021, died 30 people, totaling 87 fatalities.
The ULSBA board of directors says that in view of the increase in the number of beds "it was necessary a rigorous work of management and allocation of human resources and equipment of the institution", noting that there was “the immediate cooperation of the teams involved and all the personnel, in different work areas, allowed the creation of the conditions for everything to happen ”.
Teixeira Correia