Beja / IEFP: Three new deputy directors of employment centers today take office.
Look Herlander, Inês Guerreiro and José Maria Honored, today take office, just over three months of Parliamentary Elections, as deputy directors, the Centers Employment Beja, Ourique and Moura. Confirms our news 17 April on the first two appointments. Na height, via mail, the Alentejo Regional Delegation of IEFP, He maintained that the news was unfounded.
Less than two months later, 17 April, the publication of news Lidador News (LN) on the appointment of Herlander Mira and Inês Guerreiro to occupy positions in the delegations of Beja Ourique and the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP) Beja, behold, this is confirmed today with the inauguration of these two elements as deputy directors, Employment Centres of Ourique and Beja. The two, joins in Moura, Maria Jose Honored.
The "error" of the prior news based on the fact Mira, not the position of Director of Employment and Vocational Training Service (IEFP) Beja, replacing Manuel Parreira, current director.
A little more than three months of Parliamentary Elections, these arise "Dances chairs", Herlander with Mira to replace the Job Centre (EC) Beja, Carla Pacheco, Inês Guerreiro comes on for Maria Luisa in Ourique EC and Maria José Honored takes the place of Maria Julia Down the EC de Moura.
Upon publication of news by LN, Look Herlander, who played the multidisciplinary team leader roles Services Department of the Alentejo Region of the General Directorate for Schools, aghast said "are looking for me to get a job. I am very well in DREA ". After all ......
At the material time, the Alentejo Regional Delegation of IEFP, por mail, without any signature, referred the following, in part of the document:
2. They are running some contests for selecting leaders of the Organic Units Local IEFP, whereas in case of Ourique Employment Service still even opened course.
3. Of contests taking place, are not proposals made by the jury.
Possession / presentation of three new deputy directors of Beja Employment Centres, Ourique and Moura, It will be made during the day by the Professional director of the Employment Service and Training (IEFP) Beja, Manuel Parreira.
Teixeira Correia