Beja: Six dozen shopping carts in a parking lot.

Sixty Shopping Carts from Intermarché de Beja, Located on the south exit of the city, that were apparent in the commercial surface parking lot, were set on fire this dawn on Wednesday.

The shelter and the respective coverage, where they were parked the small vehicles, It was totally consumed by the flames, as well as part of the car protection metal structure.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), The losses are greater than six thousand euros, not yet being determined if it was an act of vandalism or retaliation.

The warning was given to 02,05 hours and when firefighters, whose barracks are approximately 400 meters from the commercial surface, Already the carts and shelter were taken by the flames given the high plastic content that existed in the place. The operational ones were able to reduce damage to the metal protection structure of the vehicle parking lot of customers of the space.

Police officers from the Criminal Investigation (EIC) of the Beja District Command (CDBeja) PSP were in the place to collect traces and having visited and collected images from the outdoor cameras of Video Vigilance of Intermarché. In the images you can see a light vehicle to arrive, Seconds later the carts start to burn, and immediately the car left the place.

There were six operating operating from the Volunteer Firefighters of Beja and PSP, supported by two cars.

Another fire case put in Beja

Early Sunday morning, cerca the 03,00 hours, Next day of the king, In the East area of ​​the city, The car of an EIC agent of PSP CDBEJA was set on fire, in an act of retaliation linked to an operation where the police had been present.

See the video surveillance cameras of one of the nearby houses, a few hours after the incident, EIC agents identified and constituted defendants three individuals suspected of the crime of fire.

Teixeira Correia


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