Two individuals, defendants in different cases, Today they begin to be judged by a Panel of Judges from the Court of Beja, accused of crimes of insult, offenses, coercion and disobedience practiced against GNR soldiers.
In the morning, Ricardo Guerreiro, of 44 year old, resident in Messejana, county Aljustrel, is accused of nine crimes, committed in November 2022, one for each of the qualifications, ranging from disobedience, resistance and coercion against employee, qualified physical integrity offense and qualified damage, two of aggravated injury and three of aggravated threat, perpetrated against three guards.
According to the accusation of the Almodôvar Public Prosecutor's Office, the defendant traveled to Castro Verde, where he was stopped by the guards and when asked if he had drunk alcohol he refused to take the test and from here the list of crimes began. In one case, kicked the guard vehicle, causing damage to 236,16 euros, but, not satisfied, Already inside the GNR post, the individual tried to attack one of the soldiers with a headbutt.
In the afternoon, It will be António Beijinho's turn, of 51 year old, resident in Gorda, county Beja, to be tried for nine crimes, carried out in September 2022, four of which were driving without a legal license, two of aggravated injury, two of resistance and coercion against an employee and one of qualified physical integrity offense.
It all started when the defendant, behind the wheel of a BMW in Cabeça Gorda, fled the GNR to avoid being arrested, since he didn't have a driving license. Days later, in the same village, tried to run over one of the guard patrol soldiers who were trying to arrest him.
The Beja MP filed a civil compensation claim against the defendant, in view of the days of absence to which one of the GNR soldiers was subject, having caused damage to 771,69 euros.
Convicted in the Beja Court for crimes against GNR's
In 24 October last year, Nelson Rodrigues, of 46 year old, He was convicted in legal height, to a penalty of 3 years and 6 months of effective imprisonment, for committing six crimes, of death threats, disobedience, resistance and coercion and injuries, carried out against GNR soldiers from the Castro Verde Post. The individual already has a record for committing the same crimes.
Teixeira Correia