Beja: Polytechnic Institute publishes the numbers of candidates placed in the institution.
The IPBeja keeps candidates placed on Undergraduate through different access regimes and registers an increase in demand in the technical courses and Senior Professionals (TeSP).
In a statement, the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, confirming the data released by Lidador News (LN) to 00.01 Sunday hours, reveals that filled, through the 1st phase of the ANC to undergraduate, 205 the 506 vacancies (40,5%) placed competition.
The IPBeja justifies awaiting the results of the 2nd phase which will run from 12 a 23 of September, estimating the outset that all the 506 Vacancies shall be filled according to 415 applications through the Special Access Competitions and Join, and candidates running under the Statute of the International Student.
To 205 Candidates placed on the degrees through the 1st phase of the CNA, and before the outcome of the 2nd phase of this open competition (whose applications will take place from 12 a 22 of September), the IPBeja already has 415 candidates for their degrees distributed through the candidates running under the Statute of the International Student (105) and Special Access Competitions and Join, particularly those originating: the Special Regime for People over 23 year old (130); the holders of technological specialization diplomas (24); in particular competition for holders of other higher education (62); changes in courses and returns (88); and hold a Diploma Technical Specialist (6).
The placed candidates will over the next few days to make registration estimating IPBeja that fill the vacancies will be higher than the 506 vacancies placed in the competition, distributed by all the degree courses.
In what refers to the Higher Technical Professional courses for the school year 2016/17 (cursos TeSP), lasting 2 school years, the IPBeja welcomes the fact that at this time have 222 Applicants with formalized application, and 40 in the process of formalization of the application to one of the 17 courses that are part of this new training offer.
A total of 266 candidate date 12 of September, distributed by all 17 cursos TESP, It is estimated that until the day 19, deadline for candidates who do not need to take the tests if they can enroll, It is contabilizem near 310 applications.
The IPBeja welcomes this demand believing that this training offer meets a need that very young looking right now, taking account of their professional nature.